Tag Archives: Boyer


Annual progress report presented at SRN Awardees Conference

June 27, 2017

The Sustainable Healthy Cities SRN traveled to Arlington, Virginia in early June for the SRN Awardees Conference. Our cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation includes an annual presentation of progress and information. PI’s Trish Culligan and Ted Russell along with staff and faculty, Robert Johns, Nisha Botchwey, Rick Feiock, Yingling Fan, Ashly Spevacek, Olivia Schares, Sarah French, Dana Boyer, and Sudy Majd represented our SRN and connected with NSF staff and the other Sustainability Research Networks (SRNs).

Each SRN gave an introduction to their project and presented their progress and experiences in the following topics:

Education and Workforce Development
Forming and Managing Interdisciplinary Research Teams
Trajectories of SRN Science and Engineering
Challenges in Urban Sustainability Research: Views from Social, Economic and Behavioral Scientists
Data Collection and Model Integration
Engaging Key Stakeholders around SRN Research


There was a poster session featuring early career researchers and their work. Sudy Majd from Columbia University and Dana Boyer from the University of Minnesota represented projects from our SRN.

Fellow SRNs:

SCRiM (Sustainable Climate Risk Management)
UWIN (Urban Water Innovation Network)
UREx (Urban Resilience to Extremes)

NSF_Decision Architecture Matrix_Sudy Majd
Sudy Majd presents her poster on the Decision Architecture Matrix.
NSF_Impacts of Future Urban Food Systems_Dana Boyer
Dana Boyer presents her poster on the water, GHG/energy, and land impacts of city-scale food system actions.


Virtual Forum: Nagpure, Boyer and Lal discuss Advances in Measuring Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure Provisioning in Cities during our network’s spring course

January 26, 2017

Join us Friday for a discussion on: Advances in Measuring Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure Provisioning in Cities

Led by: Ajay Nagpure and Dana Boyer (University of Minnesota) Discussing: Inequity in Infrastructure Provision and the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Delhi, India

& Raj Lal (Georgia Tech) Discussing: Differential Air Pollution Exposure and Links with Health in Agra, India

Friday January 27, 3:30 to 4:30 PM Central. To view or join the discussion on Friday: Join Here, Access Code: 383-419-437.

These lectures and discussions are part of a course offered by the MSSTEP Program and the Sustainable Healthy Cities Network, Infrastructure Transformations for Sustainable Healthy Cities: Design and Policy.