
Virtual Forum: Nagpure, Boyer and Lal discuss Advances in Measuring Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure Provisioning in Cities during our network’s spring course

January 26, 2017

Join us Friday for a discussion on: Advances in Measuring Environmental Impacts of Infrastructure Provisioning in Cities

Led by: Ajay Nagpure and Dana Boyer (University of Minnesota) Discussing: Inequity in Infrastructure Provision and the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Delhi, India

& Raj Lal (Georgia Tech) Discussing: Differential Air Pollution Exposure and Links with Health in Agra, India

Friday January 27, 3:30 to 4:30 PM Central. To view or join the discussion on Friday: Join Here, Access Code: 383-419-437.

These lectures and discussions are part of a course offered by the MSSTEP Program and the Sustainable Healthy Cities Network, Infrastructure Transformations for Sustainable Healthy Cities: Design and Policy.