
Virtual Forum: Fan and Convertino discuss Urban Form, City Scaling, and City Typologies

February 09, 2017

Join us Friday for a discussion on: Urban Form, City Scaling, and City Typologies

 Led by: Yingling Fan  (Professor, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Minnesota) Matteo Convertino (Asst Professor, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota)

Assistant Professor Matteo Convertino
Professor Yingling Fan

Friday February 10, 2:30 to 4:30 PM Central

To view or join the discussion on FridayJoin Here, Access Code: 383-419-437.

Participants can view PowerPoint presentations on these topics before the forum by opening the PDFs here and here. (For copies of the narrated PowerPoints, contact

These lectures and discussions are part of a course offered by the MSSTEP Program and the Sustainable Healthy Cities Network, Infrastructure Transformations for Sustainable Healthy Cities: Design and Policy.