
Successful NSF-RCN Workshop on Interdisciplinary Urban Sustainability Careers

August 18, 2017

The NSF-RCN workshop on interdisciplinary urban sustainability careers was held at the Humphrey School of Public Affairs, University of Minnesota, from Aug 7 to Aug 9, 2017. This is a student-led workshop, organized by PhD students Kangkang (KK) Tong from the University of Minnesota and Kate Wassel from Florida State University. They invited 15 professors and professionals with doctoral degrees to share their experience in interdisciplinary collaboration, career development in academia and industries/governmental sectors/NGOs, as well as how to begin their own businesses. These invited speakers came from different educational backgrounds, generally covering engineering, natural sciences, and public affairs. To maximally integrate the needs of career development from various educational degrees, KK and Kate also invited PhD students, Jueyu (Olivia) Wang (Urban Planning), Raj M. Lal (Civil and Environmental Engineering), and Daniel Costie (Public Policy) to form a student committee.

In total, 31 students and post-docs, from 18 domestic and international universities/institutes, participated in this workshop. These attendees are from various educational degree programs, including civil and environmental engineering, environmental science, geography, public affairs, urban affairs, and urban planning, etc. The Center for Science, Technology, and Environmental Policy at the Humphrey School hosted this event.