Terman, J.N., Feiock, R.C., & Youm, J. (2019). When Collaboration Is Risky Business: The Influence of Collaboration Risks on Formal and Informal Collaboration. The American Review of Public Administration, 50(1), 33-44, doi: 10.1177/0275074019867421.
ABSTRACT: In the last two decades, local governments have increasingly engaged in energy conservation and sustainability programs and policy. However, the benefits of these policies (i.e., cleaner air, less congestion, etc.) are often perceived as dispersed and costly. As such, localities consider collaborating with one another. However, decisions to collaborate pose considerable risks that can be magnified or mitigated by the mechanisms through which collaboration occurs. We investigate decisions to engage in formal and informal collaboration in the area of energy efficiency and conservation as a response to collaboration risks.