Meta-principles for developing smart, sustainable, and healthy cities

Meta-principles for developing smart, sustainable, and healthy cities

  • May 2016
  • Peer-Reviewed Articles
  • Multiple

Ramaswami, A., Russell, A. G., Culligan, P. J., Sharma, K. R., & Kumar, E. (2016). “Meta-principles for developing smart, sustainable, and healthy cities.” Science, 352(6288), 940-943.


ABSTRACT: Policy directives in several nations are focusing on the development of smart cities, linking innovations in the data sciences with the goal of advancing human well-being and sustainability on a highly urbanized planet. To achieve this goal, smart initiatives must move beyond city-level data to a higher-order understanding of cities as transboundary, multisectoral, multiscalar, social-ecological-infrastructural systems with diverse actors, priorities, and solutions. We identify five key dimensions of cities and present eight principles to focus attention on the systems-level decisions that society faces to transition toward a smart, sustainable, and healthy urban future.

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