On November 6th 2015, Columbia University hosted about fifty researchers, government, industry and non-for-profit stakeholders at a workshop focused on urban green infrastructure solutions in New York City. Workshop, presentations and discussions explored how advances in monitoring, modeling and design are shaping the future role of green infrastructure in urban stormwater management, sustainability and resilience. SRN co-Director Patricia Culligan presented the results of a multi-year research project to quantify the ability of green roofs to capture stormwater volume and reduce pollutant runoff, while SRN faculty Richard Plunz and researchers from Columbia University’s Urban Design Lab proposed innovative solutions to the management and maintenance of green streets and public right-of-way bioswales.
Much of the work presented at the workshop showcased research evolving from an NSF funded interdisciplinary project aimed at developing high performance green infrastructure systems for coastal cities. Learn more at the Urban Design Lab webpage.